Monday, May 24, 2010

Ariel does not go to Poland/Prague Either

It's official. I was not admitted to the program. This is the second year in a row that I was denied entrance. I think I'm going to email them again and ask what I can do to be a better candidate for next year. Honestly, I don't know what more I can do. I'm a birthright alumn, a college graduate, a grad school student, and an all around nerdy girl with a strong cultural connection to Judaism. I have a full time job, and am pursuing several freelance options. It's obvious that I can handle several things at once. I have a desire to study my culture's history, and to interview and meet primary sources from World War II. I hope to begin collecting research for my future dissertation on storytelling during the Holocaust. I feel it is my duty as a Jew to learn of my people's past and pass it along to the generations to come. I want to teach and be taught.

Seriously. What more do these people want from me?!

On a happier note, I guess it's a good thing that I didn't reach my monetary goal for the summer. The remaining $700 will be rolled over into next summer's savings account for Poland/Prague. Yep. I'm applying again next year. These people are going to get so sick of me, they're going to have to let me in just to shut me up. At least this time I'll have a $700 head start on saving.

Anyway, here's a summer recap (with some minor additions)

 - Weekend trip to Philadelphia with Sam
 - Weekend trip to DC for ALA

 - Weekend trip to Berkshires for July 4th
 - Weekend trip to Orlando for Infinitus

 - Weekend trip to upstate NY for camping trip with Sam

 - Possible 10 day vacation with family

Overall, should be a busy summer. Don't forget I will be attending school the entire time. I think I have enough on my plate. It's going to be a good summer.

PLUS, my band will be releasing a FULL LENGTH ALBUM! Title and release date to come!

Friday, May 14, 2010

Golden Snitch for the Win!

You've already heard my wizard rock spiel, so I'll keep this brief.

Madam Pince and the Librarians. Winner of the 2009 WRPCA for Best Merchandise. Thank you to everyone who nominated and voted for us. We value your friendship and support greatly. It really means a lot that you've heard of us, let alone like us for what we do.

Congratulations to all the other winners, especially to Draco and the Malfoys. Lifetime Achievement award doesn't even begin to cover all you've done for the wizard rock community. You guys are amazing. Thank you.

Keep an eye out for an update on my summer plans and a special Madam Pince announcement in the near future.